Below are a few hopefully helpful reminders about the 95 – 100 degree heat we get in the Denver area in regards to your pets. But first please read very carefully the next paragraph.
I spend a great deal of my time in the summer actually not grooming. Last year in a five-day span, I kicked in 7 car windows to get the dogs out of locked cars in parking lots with windows left open only 4 inches. Three died after I got them out. If you happen to walk out into a parking lot after being in a nice air-conditioned “shopping mall” and you come running and screaming because someone is kicking the window out of your car. Please do not tempt me. And many humans still utter those words… “but they are just dumb animals”.
Truly, never have I met a dumb animal. In 38 years I truly cannot say that about a human. Please for those who do this heinous thing and happen to read this, sit in your car parked on hot pavement. Have the windows down only about 3-4 inches. Oh, that water bottle you have, please pour all that out in the parking lot. Now, just sit in that closed car for the next half hour.
Summer is here and so is the heat! As a reminder… PLEASE keep in mind our furry little friends. Even if you have air conditioning, taking your pet with you in this heat can put them at risk. The temperature in a parked vehicle can reach over 125 degrees in less than 8 minutes. This can be deadly for any animal. Unless you can keep the vehicle running and have a spare key so you can lock your vehicle, please try to leave your pets at home.
Note on author: The advantage of opinions is they cannot be wrong and they cannot be right. Consequently all written material is strictly my opinion based on over 30 years working with animals. I do not believe in “experts” for one finds out quickly that there is always someone who is smarter, better educated and a wider life experience. If I was an expert and knew everything I would opt to be dictator of the world, not working with animals. I do not believe in statistics since for every con argument there are equal pro arguments to challenge those statistics. Consequently rarely, if ever do I use them.
All information is copyright by Mimi Davis d.b.a. Curbside Clippers. (Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved) Any use must have prior permission.